PhD in the field of Engineering and Technology, Discipline of science - Environmental engineering, Mining and Energy
Implementation of the projects in the field of estimating emissions from road transport and assessing the impact of changes in traffic organization on air quality.
Conducting research in an international environment, readiness to obtain funds for the implementation of international projects in the environmental protection and climate change sector.
Mainly design classes - teaching students a design approach to the issue of modeling air pollutants emission, teaching the use of programs applied in municipal and national units, learning to visualize and analyze spatial data.
I am an environmental engineer. As of 2022, I am a PhD of engineering and technical sciences in the discipline of Environmental Engineering, Mining and Energy. My area of expertise and research includes, in particular, modeling of air emissions from road transportation, dispersion of pollutants in the air modelling, spatial information systems, data presentation technologies and data management. I also have experience in the acquisition and analysis of environmental databases. My interests revolve around advanced data analysis methods. In 2023, I completed my postgraduate studies in Data Science, and I plan to use skills I have acquired in my academic and professional work.
Specialization: Data Scientist
Big Data and advanced data analytics systems
Specialization: Air Protection
Graduated and obtained the doctorate in the field Engineering and Technology sciences in the discipline of Environmental Engineering, Mining and Energy
Specialization: Environmental Information Systems
Graduated and obtained the title Master of Science with a very good result, diploma of graduation with honours
Specialization: Environmental Engineering
Graduated and obtained the title Bachelor of Science - Engineer of Environmental Engineering with a very good result
Assessing the impact of road traffic reorganization on air quality: a street canyon case study / Marek BOGACKI, Robert OLENIACZ, Mateusz RZESZUTEK, Paulina BŹDZIUCH, Adriana SZULECKA, Tomasz GORZELNIK // Atmosphere ISSN 2073-4433. — 2020 vol. 11 iss. 7 art. no. 695, s. 1–23. — See here:
Urban bus emission trends in the Krakow metropolitan area (Poland) from 2010 to 2015 / Marek BOGACKI, Paulina BŹDZIUCH // Transportation Research. Part D, Transport and Environment ISSN 1361-9209. — 2019 vol. 67, s. 33–50. — See here:
Predicting the spatial distribution of emissions from urban buses based on previously measured data and scenarios for their modernization in the future: case study: Krakow, Poland / Marek BOGACKI, Paulina BŹDZIUCH // Atmospheric Environment ISSN 1352-2310. — 2019 vol. 199, s. 1–14. — See here:
Improvement assessment of the OSPM model performance by considering the secondary road dust emissions / Mateusz RZESZUTEK, Marek BOGACKI, Paulina BŹDZIUCH, Adriana SZULECKA // Transportation Research. Part D, Transport and Environment ISSN 1361-9209. — 2019 vol. 68, s. 137–149. — See here:
Emisja metali ciężkich do powietrza z autobusów miejskich w Krakowie w latach 2010–2025 — Emission of heavy metals into the air from urban buses in Krakow in 2010–2025 / Paulina BŹDZIUCH, Marek BOGACKI // Transport Miejski i Regionalny: miesięcznik naukowo-techniczny Stowarzyszenia Inżynierów i Techników Komunikacji Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej ; ISSN 1732-5153. — 2018 R. 37 nr 1, s. 18-25.
Emisja metali ciężkich do powietrza z autobusów miejskich w Krakowie w latach 2010–2025 — Emission of heavy metals into the air from urban buses in Krakow in 2010–2025 / Paulina BŹDZIUCH, Marek BOGACKI // Transport Miejski i Regionalny: miesięcznik naukowo-techniczny Stowarzyszenia Inżynierów i Techników Komunikacji Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej ; ISSN 1732-5153. — 2018 R. 37 nr 1, s. 18-25.
Evaluating the influence of modernization of the urban bus fleet in Krakow in the years 2010-2015 on the amount of pollutants emitted into the air — Ocena wpływu modernizacji floty autobusów miejskich w Krakowie w latach 2010–2015 na ilość emitowanych do powietrza zanieczyszczeń / Paulina BŹDZIUCH, Marek BOGACKI // Ochrona Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych = Environmental Protection and Natural Resources ISSN 1230-7831. — 2017 vol. 28 no. 2, s. 1–6.
Autobusowy transport publiczny w Krakowie na tle najlepszych światowych systemów komunikacji miejskiej oraz ocena wpływu jego modernizacji na wielkość emisji zanieczyszczeń — Bus public transport in Krakow on the background the best world’s transport systems and assessment the impact of modernization on air pollutants emissions / Paulina BŹDZIUCH, Marek BOGACKI // Transport Miejski i Regionalny: miesięcznik naukowo-techniczny Stowarzyszenia Inżynierów i Techników Komunikacji Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej ISSN 1732-5153. — 2017 nr 4, s. 26–31.
Air quality improvement in urban street canyons: an assessment of the effects of selected traffic management strategies using OSPM Model / Robert OLENIACZ, Marek BOGACKI, Mateusz RZESZUTEK, Paulina BŹDZIUCH // Applied Sciences (Basel) ISSN 2076-3417. — 2023 vol. 13 iss. 11 art. no. 6431, s. 1–29. — See here:
“Analysis of the fractional and elemental composition of particulate matter in urban agglomeration and suburban areas along traffic routes - mobile, stationary and modelling studies” - AGH University of Science and Technology, „INICJATYWA DOSKONAŁOŚCI – UCZELNIA BADAWCZA”, Krakow
,,Assessment of the effects of improving air quality in Krakow by conducting changes in traffic organisation on the example of selected street canyons - preliminary study” - Municipality of Krakow
„The concept of a road transport emission forecasting model for the purpose of air quality management in Krakow” - research internship in Lohmeyer GmbH, Dresden, Germany
"Measurements of the concentrations of selected pollutants in the air outside and in the internal area of the city of Krakow with particular emphasis on AGH campus" - Rector’s grant, Kraków